Austen Translation

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a playwright worth his salt must be in want of a spoof Jane Austen commission. temp_file20141028-16184-280utg

Well pop on your bonnets and whip out the barouche-box – that is exactly what has happened! Anonymous Is A Woman Theatre Company (for whom I did script work for Soulless) are in residence at the Arts Theatre in the West End this March and have commissioned me to write a Jane Austen spoof to present alongside the WWI drama F.A.N.Y.

There’ll be a healthy dose of dances, bridge, unwanted proposals and social immobility – but perhaps with a little paleontology thrown in for good measure. You can expect corset-breaking laughs both for fully-paid-up Janeites and those a little Lost In Austen.

The play is called Nonsense & Sensibility and runs at the Arts Theatre Studio 14 March – 3 April.

For more information and to book tickets – see

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